Working with oncampusuk
How will your union work with oncampusuk?
When signing with oncampusuk, Unions have the advantage of knowing that they have a partner who shares the problems they face. Both oncampusuk and its Union partners have a long term commitment to achieve clear shared objectives that will allow a commerically viable website to be created.
oncampusuk can also help maximise your return from Internet activities via a unique advertising management system which includes a facilty for unions to sell local services advertising by category and campus. There are no limits to the amounts of local services content Unions can add to their site. Union Marketing departments will have a constant presence on the site and can sell the inventory alongside the Unions’ other media.
What will we be able to do?
It’s easier to answer this question by splitting the question into two parts:
- What can the normal user do?
- What can someone who is already skilled with web publishing or programming do?
Normal Users
The system was designed for people like you – someone who wants to publish content to the web with the minimum of hassle, but with enough flexibility for when you become more skilled.
Using our system you can easily:
- create new pages
- tag pages so they are easily found when using search engines
- add content in the form of paragraphs, images, tables, downloads
- change the layout of your content within the content area (e.g text wrapping)
- change the way your pages look
After reading our New Users Guide and getting a user name and password, you’ll be able to keep your own pages up to date with the minimum of effort, from any computer with a web browser!
Skilled Users
If you’re already capable of publishing web content, you may be wondering what use a system like this is to you. We hope that after finding out what it’s really about you’ll think that its a great way to publish web content.
Our system splits cleanly the content and the design of the site. The average user will generally only be concerned with adding new content and updating existing content using our web interface. They will choose pre-designed “looks” for the pages they control, and choose pre-designed “styles” for the individual elements that make up a page (paragraph, image, table etc.)
What this means is that as a web designer you no longer have to worry about formatting text, spelling mistakes, consistency, checking broken links, making search indexes, making minor changes to large numbers of documents and so on. You can concentrate instead on the way the website looks, the structure of the website, the addition of new content and the mechanics of the service that you provide to the students.
Page looks are much like the skins on some software, for example winamp. You define a template that lays out the page, and styles for text and table based elements. Then users can use your looks on their pages. New pages under those sections will autmatically inherit the sections’ new look.
The range of functionality provided by the system is always under review and new elements can be designed and programmed by those with suitable expeience. If you are interested in getting involved please feel free to contact us.